Disciplinary proceedings
The disciplinary procedure may be regulated in the employment contract, in the collective bargaining agreement and in the company’s internal policies. The Workers’ Statute regulates disciplinary dismissal and the procedure to be followed by the employer in this case.
The employer must follow the procedure established in the employment contract, collective bargaining agreement or internal company policies. As a general rule, in the case of workers’ representatives, a procedure with more formalities and guarantees is required.
Very often, collective bargaining agreements regulate misconduct, penalties and the disciplinary procedure to be followed in each case. In general, the steps to be taken will depend on whether or not a contradictory file has to be initiated. In the case of serious and very serious misconduct, the penalty must be communicated in writing to the employee and in the case of very serious misconduct, the penalty must also be communicated to the employee’s representatives.
If the formalities of the disciplinary procedure established in the Collective Bargaining Agreement are not complied with, in the event of a judicial complaint, the judge may declare that the disciplinary sanction is unjust.
It is advisable that an internal disciplinary procedure policy includes the behaviors that can be considered as minor, serious or very serious misconduct, the sanctions corresponding to each misconduct, the procedure to be followed by the company to apply the sanctions, guaranteeing the employee’s right to defense and the application of the principles of reasonableness and gradualness.
Yes, provided that the applicable collective bargaining agreement does not provide for a special procedure prior to dismissal.
It will depend on how it is regulated in the applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement or in the Company’s Internal Policy. As a general rule, the disciplinary measure is applied by the HR personnel representing the Company or even by the employee’s boss, on behalf of the Company.
In general, a disciplinary procedure is not required for the application of an oral or written reprimand, unless the collective bargaining agreement or internal rules provide for it.
No, in order to apply a disciplinary measure, it must be clear who has committed the conduct and that the conduct constitutes misconduct. In this case, the employer must initiate an investigation of the facts to identify the employee(s) who committed the misconduct. cometieron la falta laboral.
Data protection, surveillance and privacy at work
The company has the obligation to look after the health of its workers and avoid this type of situation, therefore, once it receives this type of complaint, it must investigate and adopt the pertinent measures, as established in the applicable collective bargaining agreement or in the company’s internal policy.
Yes, employers can establish in their anti-harassment policies the possibility of anonymous reporting, because in these cases the complainants may fear retaliation from the harasser.
The Collective Bargaining Agreement may regulate that misconduct outside working hours be sanctioned by the employer when it is related to the work activity. However, as a general rule, the employee’s behavior outside working hours and outside the workplace is part of his or her private life, and therefore could not be sanctioned by his or her employer.
It is the protection of the civil liberties and fundamental rights of natural persons, in particular in relation to the processing of their personal data and its impact on their right to protect their honor and their personal and family privacy. Any person processing personal data must comply with the applicable principles of good practice. These state that personal data must be: -processed fairly and lawfully -processed for limited purposes and in an appropriate manner -processed in a fair and lawful manner -processed for limited purposes and in an appropriate manner -processed appropriately. relevante y no excesiva para el propósito •no conservarse más tiempo del necesario para el propósito •procesarse de acuerdo con los interesados derechos
Data subjects shall have the right to request and obtain, free of charge, information on the personal data processed by the data controller, the origin of such data and any past or future disclosure of such data. Such information may be obtained in response to a query by simply viewing the data, or in writing, describing the data undergoing processing in a legible and comprehensible copy or photocopy, whether certified or not. Such information shall not contain codes whose interpretation requires specific hardware.
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The personal data processed may only be communicated to third parties for purposes directly related to the legitimate activities of the sender and of the recipient and provided that the data subject gives his prior consent to this. The processing by third parties must be regulated in an agreement which must be in writing or in any other form by which the conclusion and content of the agreement can be verified. Such an agreement must explicitly specify that the processor may only process the data in accordance with the controller’s instructions, that it will not apply or use the data for any purpose other than that set out in the agreement, nor disclose them to others, not even for storage.
Maternity, paternity, shared paternity and adoption leave and remuneration
Yes, it is advisable for companies to have a manual or code of conduct, because if there is no prohibition and the company simply tolerates a moderate use of these instruments for private purposes, the assessment of what is or is not excessive use is transferred to the employee.
Before any dismissal, the employer must establish the rules for the use of telematic means – with absolute or partial prohibitions – and inform the employees that a control will be carried out and the means to be applied to verify the correction of such uses.
Temporary work
In Spain there are three types of temporary contracts: 1) Contract for work or service: This is a contract agreed for the performance of a specific, independent and autonomous work or service, the performance of which, although limited in time, is in principle of uncertain duration. 2) Temporary contract due to circumstances of production: This is a contract entered into to meet circumstantial market demands, accumulation of tasks or excess of orders, even in the case of the normal activity of the company.3) Interim Contract: The purpose of this contract is to temporarily replace an employee who is entitled to the reservation of a job position by virtue of law, collective bargaining agreement or individual agreement.
In principle, the only difference between a permanent employee and a temporary employee was the severance pay. The Law provides for an indemnity for permanent employees of 20 days’ salary per year worked in the case of justified dismissal for professional reasons and 33 days’ salary per year worked in the case of unfair dismissal. However, the indemnity for temporary employees, in case of termination of the contract (not dismissal) is 12 days’ salary per year worked and, in the case of interim contracts, there is no indemnity.Due to this inequality, the Court of Justice of the European Union, in its judgment of September 14, 2016, established that temporary workers must have the same remuneration as permanent employees. This court ruling has yet to be interpreted by the Spanish courts.
Absence management
Discrimination by age