
Tax exemption for displaced worker

Regarding our previous publication, in this one we want to explain the exemption of article 7P of the Personal Income Tax Law (IRPF), which is a tax benefit applied to workers displaced abroad for work reasons. Basically, this exemption allows the income earned by these workers for their work outside their country of origin to […]

Exención tributaria para trabajador desplazado

En relación con nuestra anterior publicación, en esta queremos explicarles la exención del artículo 7P de la Ley del Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas (IRPF), este es un beneficio fiscal que se aplica a los trabajadores desplazados al extranjero por motivos laborales. Básicamente, esta exención permite que los ingresos que obtienen estos […]

Starting March 20th, businesses can receive lawsuit notifications electronically

Starting March 20th, businesses can receive legal notifications and lawsuits electronically from the initial summons. The amendment to Article 155 of the Civil Procedure Law signifies a major shift, enabling these initial notifications to be made electronically, as opposed to the previous requirement for them to be physical and in person.   Recommendations for businesses […]

Trabajadores desplazados

Los desplazamientos pueden realizarse a un país miembro de la UE, EEE, Suiza, Reino Unido y Gibraltar o bien también pueden llevarse a cabo en otro destino fuera de los citados anteriormente, aunque pueden variar en función de los acuerdos bilaterales o multilaterales entre países. El documento A1, también conocido como Certificado de Desplazamiento Temporal […]

Displaced workers

Postings can be made to a member country of the EU, EEA, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and Gibraltar, or to any other destination outside the above, although this may vary depending on bilateral or multilateral agreements between countries. The A1 document, also known as the Temporary Posting of Workers Certificate, certifies the posting of workers […]

Spain: Spanish Supreme Court clarifies parental childbirth benefits for single-parent families

The Spanish Supreme Court upheld the judgment under appeal, stating that the right to enjoy an additional 8 weeks would entail several consequences which would significantly interfere with the regulatory order, since (i) it would mean creating a new contributory benefit in favour of single-parent parents which would alter the configuration designed by the legislature […]