Looking Ahead 2024: Spain

Spain: Key Issues After pandemic years, Spain’s legal environment has rapidly shifted, with multiple Royal Decrees and laws aiming to palliate the recession effects and improve the already strong employment rights of employees. This trend is likely to continue during the current year, with Congress sanctioning new leaves, increasing the existing ones, and making dismissals […]

Status of digital nomads’ visa in Spain

From January 2023, Spain will be able to apply for the «digital nomad visa», in Spanish Consulates and Embassies (although it is highly advisable to consult an expert in the field). This type of visa is designed for workers whose jobs allow them to work remotely and change residence frequently. Currently, there are 36 countries […]

Estado del visado de nómadas digitales en España.

Estado del visado de nómadas digitales en España. A partir de enero de 2023, en España se puede solicitar el “visado de nómada digital” en Consulados y Embajadas españolas (aunque resulta altamente recomendable consultar a un experto en la materia). Este tipo de visado está pensado para trabajadores cuyos empleos les permiten trabajar en remoto […]

Jurisprudential commentary – post-contractual non-competition agreement.

As it is well known, the figure of the post- contractual non-competition clause is a strategic tool from a business perspective, as it temporarily prevents a qualified worker with experience acquired in the company from taking advantage of such knowledge in a competitor company. However, the use ofsuch a clause is not a simple matter, […]

Los acuerdos de teletrabajo de adhesión podrían ser declarados nulos

Cómo es sabido, la figura del pacto de no competencia post contractual resulta ser una herramienta estratégica desde una óptica empresarial, puesto que impide temporalmente que un trabajador cualificado con experiencia adquirida en la empresa aproveche dicho conocimiento en una empresa de la competencia. No obstante, la utilización de dicho pacto no es una cuestión […]

Spain: Status of Digital Nomads’ Visas in Spain

Starting January 2023, Spain allowed the digital nomad visa in Spanish Consulates and Embassies (although it is highly advisable to consult an expert in the field). This type of visa is designed for workers whose jobs allow them to work remotely and change residence frequently. Currently, there are 36 countries that offer digital nomad visas, although the […]

Spain: Commentary to the Case Ruling STSJ Galicia 2660/2023 of 30 May 2010

This ruling has declared null and void an “adherence” remote work agreement drafted by the company and signed by multiple of its workers. It was deemed invalid because the company did not discuss these remote work agreements with either the Legal Representatives of the Workers/Unions or individually with the affected workers. The Remote Work Law […]